Sunday 9 November 2014

scary sewing machine

scary sewing machine
My sewing machine scares me. It glares balefully from its table in the corner of the craft (junk) room. Most of the time it is hidden behind other stuff, friendlier stuff, like my nice soft wool and my knitting patterns with their easy to understand instructions. The scary sewing machine has sharp needles and movable levers and bobbins with some kind of spring. Before you can even think of starting to sew the thread needs to be wound round the machine in some kind of complicated manoeuvre.

my first ever grannies
I consider myself to be kind of a creative crafty person. I love knitting with my beautiful, friendly, soft yarns and have become quite an accomplished knitter and designer within my little world. I have also recently taught myself to crochet, with the help of  you tube and this book as
have been hooked by the beautiful, colourful granny blankets that I've seen on other craft blogs.

As I can knit and now crochet I naively (stupidly) thought I would be able to use a sewing machine to make stuff. Also, my mum always had her machine on the go when I was growing up, churning out new stuff weekly, including once a broderie anglaise circle skirt I begged her to make when I was about 13. This consisted of what seemed to be hundreds of broderie triangles each of which needed edging, seaming and pressing before being sewn together and took my mum weeks to make - I tried it on, hated the way it made me look 'fat'and never wore it again...I don't think my mum has ever made me anything else and can't blame her really.

So there it sits, in its lonely corner - unused, gathering dust, glaring balefully from its table. Mr Periknits has mentioned the eBay word on more than one occasion. I have pretended not to hear and dream of the day that the scary sewing machine and I will spring to life and create some beautiful stuff. This is my plan for 2015...after all, it can't be that hard, can it...?

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